Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Radio Frequency Benefits for Your Body

Radio Frequency Benefits for Your Body

Based on the scientific term Radiofrequency (RF), radiofrequency treatment is a non-surgical means of “reshaping” the body and the face from beneath the superficial layer of the skin.  Radio frequency skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses RF energy to heat tissue and stimulate subdermal collagen production in order to reduce the look of fine lines and loose skin. It causes tissue remodeling and stimulates production of new collagen and elastin.  Of the non-surgical treatment devices that exist, many use radio-frequency to tighten skin. 

Although almost all skincare treatments work for the most part, the method is not always easy and sustainable for many given how busy people’s lifestyles have become.  

Yet, there are other means by resorting to science and technology.  When you need something super effective that will show results as soon as possible, radiofrequency is one of the many things you can do. 

This method uses sophisticated devices specifically designed to treat men and women’s most common skin aging problems like wrinkles, excess fatty tissues, or cellulite.  

Dimishing or Removing Cellulite
Given how women’s skin vary from men, part of their uniqueness to men is the affliction of cellulite being gender-selective to them -- Only women get cellulite while men never do. Cellulite is a women-only skin issue commonly found around the buttocks and at the back of the thighs where we generally store our body fats.

Thanks to the RF treatment, however, gone are those days when we have to suffer from the skin bulging problems caused by cellulite. With the adipose tissue and fats as the cause of cellulite, the heat coming from the RF treatment diminishes the bulging of excess fatty tissues.

Reduction of Body Fats
Unlike cellulites which are skin-deep body fats and whose appearance is applicable only to women, general body fats however apply to both men and women.

Looking at the anatomical level, both cellulites and general body fats have one thing in common – the problem lies with the fatty tissues from beneath the skin’s superficial and lower layers.

Luckily, the RF treatment is also said to address the issue of excessive body fats among us regardless of age. The resulting heat mechanism of the RF treatment causes some body fats to melt and be drained into the system thereby producing a result at par or equal to surgical means of losing body fats.

Tightening of Skin
Partly what makes skin wrinkles so obvious sometimes are the clear lines that are creased over an elderly person’s skin often as a natural result of the aging process throughout the years.

Others whose skin problems are not limited to wrinkles simply have excessively lumpy and stretched skin, possibly as a result of sudden change in weight.

However, as the quality of the skin that we see from the outside can be changed through some alterations from the inside, doing so with an RF treatment is most possible thanks to the method’s non-surgical approach..

By applying the RF treatment, deep-seated soft tissues from under the skin are stimulated which facilitates healing through the production of new collagen tissues that are reactive towards the RF waves.

When applied to the face, the RF facial benefits those who may be experiencing some sagging on the skin of the face, among other common aging issues.

Post-Operative Lipo Smoothing
Not all who go through the process of liposuction always have a 100% smooth finish to the affected area. Others who did not end up as so notice bumps on the area where body fats are surgically removed, often a not-so-pretty sight in comparison to well-toned and proportional skin tissues, muscles, and some fats.

Although there are existing measures that address this issue among post-operative liposuction patients, RF treatment can also be employed for a bout of non-surgical treatment for the issue of bulging and sagging skin.

Contour Reshaping
Just as when we think that shaping our bodies always require intensive work or surgery, RF treatment allows the reshaping of our bodies using a technology that works beneath the skin surface while leaving the superficial layers untouched.

Aside from cellulite treatment, removal of unwanted body fats, tightening of the skin, and its smoothing from the liposuction procedure, RF sessions facilitate reshaping of our body.

Through the procedure referred to as body contouring, users can see effective re-contouring of skin after the patient has gone through a lot of weight loss.

As a treatment applicable to most commonly looked parts of the body such as the face, radio frequency facial treatment benefits people who want a little bit of modification to the face for improvements


The method utilizes radiofrequency waves which is basically heat energy meant for tissue remodeling and production of elastin and new collagen.  Unlike invasive procedures which primarily affect the most superficial layers of the skin, the resulting heat of the RF treatment works mainly on the deepest layer of the skin, the dermis, without affecting the upper layers that are above it such as the epidermis.  As heat is a stimulation that promotes contraction of the underlying tissues, especially at the dermis level, soft tissues found within that area of the body compress, realign, and even produce new collagen, a process that normally takes many months to complete.  With healthy new collagen present from the deepest level of the skin, exposing such soft tissues to further Radiofrequency waves help sculpt and tighten those tissues into a more youthful and elastic surface.

Even though the available devices differ in how they deliver radio-frequency to the skin,  they all strive to deliver enough energy to the skin to heat it to a certain temperature.  Heat is the key.
If you heat collagen to a very specific temperature, two things happen.

  1. Existing collagen fibers tighten. 
  2. Collagen producing cells within the area are triggered to produce more collagen.
The dermis, which is the second layer of skin, is full of collagen.  Collagen also exists deeper in the fat layer within strands that weave between fat providing support for this layer.  When heating collagen, skin tightens because of immediate collagen fiber contraction and from delayed new collagen formation.
Thermage and ThermiTight are two pioneering technologies that utilize radio-frequency to tighten skin.


Thermage, used by Darling Esthetics, was the first in the category of radio-frequency skin tightening. It works by delivering radio-frequency from the outside of the skin inward.
During treatment, a treatment tip is applied to the skin. When the trigger is fired, a calculated dose of radio-frequency is delivered. By using a sophisticated protocol, Thermage heats skin to a specific temperature and goes to a specific depth. This ultimately leads to collagen tightening and production.
There is no recovery or downtime required after Thermage because the skin is not broken or damaged.
Further, Thermage is capable of treating many different areas including the face, neck, abdomen, and eyelids.Dimishes


ThermiTight delivers radiofrequency via a probe inserted below the skin’s surface, and is the first to do so. Placing a probe under the skin allows one to heat both the under-surface of the dermis as well as the deeper collagen fibers that exist between fat.  This should be performed under medical supervision.
During treatment, both internal and external temperatures are monitored to ensure skin gets to the optimal temperature but is not over-heated.


While the concept of tightening skin by heating it makes sense, how effective are these treatments?
Thermage is probably the most studied. Most clinical reports, and my own personal experience, find that the average patient sees a mild to modest improvement averaging  approximately 20% improvement after only one treatment with Thermage.
However, I recommend a series of treatments that will increase results tenfold.

Not being able to keep up with appointments also means that you have to go back to the condition of your skin before your previous treatment, just like skincare.  This means your dermatologist or esthetician doesn’t get to work with improved skin and needs to begin again  

With more and more facialists combining cutting edge technology with a hands-on approach when treating the skin, the demand for treatments such as radiofrequency facials is ever increasing. Jennifer Aniston credits them with keeping her skin "lifted", but radiofrequency facials can also soften fine lines while firming the facial contours – both immediately and over time

What to Expect During an RF Skin Tightening Treatment

Your skin care specialist will wash your face with a mild cleanser and warm water before you arrive for your treatment, as it is important that no excess oils or cosmetics remain on the skin that might reduce the effectiveness of the procedure. 

A gliding gel will then be applied to the skin before the RF waves are delivered to the skin. Depending on the sensitivity of your skin, you may feel a heated sensation during treatment, but the side effects of the treatment are believed to be minimal for most patients. When the treatment is over, the skin care specialist will apply a topical cooling gel to the treated area to minimize discomfort.

Hidden benefit
Whether results are minimal or modest, a major benefit of radio-frequency skin tightening is that treatment induces collagen. Even if not enough collagen is produced to tighten skin, healthy collagen is beneficial. At the very least, it may slow the signs of aging. Therefore,  radio-frequency skin tightening treatments may be preventative.

Best candidates

Almost anyone who wants tighter skin, or who is interested in delaying further skin looseness, could benefit from radio-frequency skin tightening.  

However, It is important to have appropriate expectations about your results.

Frequency Skin Tightening Overview
The effects of radio frequency treatments are mostly attributable to the heat that is generated by the RF waves. In the field of skin care and ant-ageing treatments, RF waves are most commonly used for facial rejuvenation and their believed ability to stimulate the protein fibers that keep the skin elastic.

Those who choose radio frequency skin tightening should keep in mind that depending on the strength of the treatment, it will require three or more to see any visible results and that treatments need to be repeated several times during the year. Radio frequency skin tightening is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not likely to be covered by any private medicare plans, so those who want to have the treatments will likely have to pay out of pocket for each individual procedure.

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Side Effects

You may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area after a radio frequency skin tightening procedure, but these symptoms should resolve themselves within 24-48 hours. Misting the face with cool water may help to reduce the irritation, although you should ensure that only clean, purified water is used for these purposes. Some patients have reported sinking of the skin in the treated area, but this has mostly occurred with intense RF treatments. In most cases, these treatments have a low instance of side effects and are considered a viable anti-ageing treatment for a wide array of skin types. However, keep in mind that multiple radio frequency skin tightening procedures are needed to show effects, so even relatively mild discomfort or side effects can become a headache over time. Consult a specialist physician for expert results and avoid low powered at-home devices..

Common Questions

How does a radiofrequency facial work?
"Radiofrequency is all about stimulating your own collagen production. During a treatment a machine is used to heat the skin to between 38-40 degrees with radiofrequency, which feels like a hot stone face massage – you do feel heat in the skin but it's comfortable."

Is there any other discomfort or downtime involved?
"It takes approximately 30 minutes to treat a whole face and the only discomfort is some feeling of heat in the skin (which not everyone gets). There is no downtime – you could easily have a treatment at lunchtime and go out that evening looking amazing!"

What are the benefits and how long do they last?
"You get an immediate tightening of the collagen fibres, so it's great to do before an event, but it also gives a long-lasting lift and increased volume. It also continues to promote collagen production over the four-six weeks following a treatment."

Can radiofrequency help reduce lines and wrinkles?
"It's great for softening fine lines – especially the nose to mouth lines – as well as lifting the cheeks and tightening the jawline, so it's great for age prevention."

Who are radiofrequency facials best suited to?
"Anyone experiencing loss of firmness and dullness in their skin. As well as collagen production, it also boosts oxygen levels in the skin, so it's great for general radiance. It's not recommended for skin with broken capillaries or rosacea."

What do radiofrequency body treatments involve?
"I don't personally do them, but they can be a great treatment for cellulite, firming and contouring the body. In a treatment a larger head is used on the radiofrequency machine and higher temperatures so you get something called lypolosys, where fat begins to melt."

Monday, March 19, 2018

Magic of Mud

Mud Wrap Magic

For centuries, people all around the world have been enjoying the benefits of clays and muds for their medicinal and aesthetic properties. Depending on their origin, each clay and mud is rich in its own regional mineral contents. From the Dead Sea to the red clays of Sedona, we have gathered mother nature's abundance for our body's enrichment.  It creates a rejuvenating, soothing, exfoliating, detoxifying, regenerative, slimming, toning and relaxing effect to your skin and body.

body mud wrap


Collected from the ancient waters of the Dead Sea, this craved treatment is known for its healing properties and very high concentration of mineral rich content of potassium, magnesium, sodium, bromine and calcium, essential minerals for the body's balance. The Dead Sea has given mud users relief from aching joints, stiffness, skin problems and other toxic aliments for centuries.


acne, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, bone and cartilage inflammation, rheumatism, stress, fatigue, sleeplessness, anti-aging, skin tone, cellulite reduction, remineralization and detoxifying.

1. Detoxifies
The mud’s gentle pulling action helps gently exfoliate the skin and draw out impurities and toxins, so it’s a perfect part of any holistic health detox plan. It’s also great for oily, acne-prone skin.
2. Increases Circulation
Rich with a high concentration of Dead Sea minerals and trace elements Dead Sea mud is known to increase blood circulation. Like a facial, it stimulates blood flow. Circulation helps bring vital nutrients and oxygen to your cells and carry away toxins and wastes — all essential to healthy and normal cell functioning.
3. Improves Skin Health
Dead sea mud is rich with minerals, like sodium, chloride, magnesium, potassium, iron, and calcium.  Therefore, it is very nourishing to the skin. It also naturally softens and moisturizes. So, as you can imagine, it dramatically improves the appearance and health of your skin leaving it more tone, even in texture, and clearer.
4. Treats Skin Conditions
Studies have shown Dead Sea mud is useful for treating skin conditions, such as psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and vitiligo, especially when used in conjunction with adjunct therapies, such as Dead Sea bathing, moisturizing creams, and increased sun exposure.
5. Relieves Aches & Pains
Dead sea mud is therapeutic and useful for treating rheumatic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It’s also beneficial for fibromyalgia, tendonitis, bursitis, sports injuries, and recovery from orthopedic surgeries. Also, combining treatments with Dead Sea salt, such as Body Glows and Polishes can help you achieve maximum results.

For a Mud Wrap at Darling Esthetics, you also have the benefit of essential oils and sea silt.  This is one of the world's most amazing ancient medicines. It has been used for centuries to balance, detoxify, and tone the body. Historical reports reveal the many uses of sea silt in the treatment of human disease. Even animals have been observed using moor mud for its curative properties. Moor mud is the unique product of time and nature that started with the retreat of the last Ice Age. A very fertile valley brimming with plant life was formed and isolated from the rest of the world. These plants became submerged under a lake formed by the melting glaciers. Over time, this area became a rich, live deposit of organic substances with all of the properties of the plants intact. Analysis of moor mud shows that it contains over 1000 organic botanicals, trace minerals and elements, enzymes, natural anti-biotics, vitamins and phyto-hormones.
Sea Silt is being rediscovered today by the world's best naturopaths, and it is being used to heal a wide range of disorders. It is seen on the menus of the world's finest spas for complete body care. In addition to its cosmetic use as a natural exfoliant, detoxifier and cellulite reducer, moor mud can be used in poultices to reduce swelling, reduce inflammation, draw out abscesses, and to promote healing with minimized scar formation.

What to expect from a wrap

You'll undress and change into disposable attire. Spa therapists are great at preserving their clients' modesty.  Next, you receive to an exfoliation or scrub to slough away dead skin cells. 
Once your skin has been prepped, your therapist will apply a therapeutic body mask to your body. The content of the mask used depends on the treatment you have chosen. Mud and clay, algae and seaweed, and herbal pastes are common, but fresh fruit, aloe vera or paraffin wax are not unheard of, either. Many spas have their own signature body wraps, from the exotic to the just plain edible. 
After applying the mask to most of your body, your therapist will swaddle you in a plastic sheet and towels, and/or a thermal blanket, and leave you to rest for around 20 to 40 minutes. 
The heat of the wrap will relax your muscles, open your pores and encourage sweating. So, to keep you comfortable, you might have a cold compress placed gently on your forehead.
When you're freed from your cocoon, don't expect an immediate butterfly-like transformation. You might feel quite cold and soggy at first without your thermal blanket -- so the rinse afterwards will be welcome. After the mask is removed your therapist massages moisturiser into your newly reborn, healthy skin.
In conclusion, there are many health and beauty benefits to mud wraps.  For centuries people have harvested it's powers and today still do.  As we learn more about Dead Sea Mud, the more benefits we find within it.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Why Body Treatments...

What's up with Body Treatments?

Body treatments are an under-rated spa service because people tend to think they can do it themselves at home.  Of course you can, but it won't be as thorough, effective or relaxing.  Esthetician use better ingredients and better, safer techniques.

Benefits of Body Treatments

Body treatments are known to help prevent wrinkles, decrease cellulite, and slow physical signs of aging, leaving your skin looking fresher and younger.  Seaweed, salt, mud, charcoal, and mineral wraps are also excellent ingredients to exfoliate your skin and remove toxins.  As with other spa services, body treatments help with your mental health also as they reduce stress, soothe tired muscles, and relax both your body and mind.  Even experienced spa-goers don't understand body wraps.  Different body wraps serve different purposes, and it's important to understand the difference between detox, hydrating and slimming wraps so you get the experience you want.

Body wrap treatments are sometimes called a body cocoon or body mask. Body wraps often make an appearance in signature spa treatments, which might start with a scrub, move on to a wrap, and finish with a hydration treatment

Differents Treatments and Combinations

The basic body scrub exfoliates your outermost, dead skin cells with a salt scrub (rougher), a sugar scrub (gentler) or some other exfoliant, like coffee grounds or fruit enzymes that gently loosen the inter-cellular bonds. It is usually followed by a shower and an application of lotion.

A body scrub can be a stand-alone treatment, but it is often combined with a body wrap that is either hydrating (adding moisture to the skin) or detoxifying  (anything with clay, mud or seaweed).

Once you've been exfoliated and rinsed off the salt or sugar, you may lay down so the cream, clay, mud or seaweed can be applied.  Then you're wrapped up and kept warm for about 20 minutes, hopefully getting a head massage at the same time.

If it's a hydrating treatment, you don't want to rinse off the cream.  If it's clay, mud or seaweed, you are rinsed again, then come have an application of lotion.

Body scrubs and wraps often show up in longer treatments called rituals or signature treatments. Body treatments are essentially a facial for your whole body and leave your skin feeling velvety smooth and soft. The idea behind a body treatment is that it is just as important to cleanse, exfoliate, and hydrate the skin on your body as it is the skin of your face. This holistic procedure is good for your body no matter what time of year, but it can especially be helpful in the winter as it moisturizes skin when it is typically dry and flaky.

Body Scrubs/Polishes

The most popular body treatment is a body scrub, sometimes called a body polish, salt glow or sea-salt scrub. This is an exfoliating treatment that takes place on a table covered with a sheet and a large, thin piece of plastic. As you lay on your stomach, the massage therapist rubs a mixture of sea salt, oil, and aromatics (like lemon) into your skin. This exfoliates the skin and leaves it feeling fresh and soft.

Once your whole body is scrubbed, it is removed, leaving fresh skin.   Then lotion is applied.  It's an invigorating treatment, and it's a good idea to get your scrub before your wrap if you choose to have both.

Darling Esthetics performs a Kur fine sea salt polish.

Differences Between Body Masks and Wraps

First, both body wraps and masks always start with some kind of exfoliation.  At the very least, there will be a dry body brushing.  However, a dry body brushing is not nearly so effective as a body scrub.
Because you want the product they put on your skin to be able to penetrate the skin as deeply as possible, splurge on the body wrap includes a body scrub first. 

If you're slathered with mud, algae, or seaweed and wrapped in a thermal blanket, it's a "detoxifying" treatment that stimulates your metabolic system, speeding its ability to carry away waste products. A body wrap can also be a wrapping treatment used to treat cellulite. It sometimes has a diuretic effect that aids in temporary weight reduction.

If the product is cream or lotion, it's a "hydrating" treatment.

Different types of wraps

Detoxing and remineralizing body wraps

Detox wraps use a variety of products such as algae, seaweed, mud, clay or gel to help rid the body of toxins.  When the product is applied to the body, it's called a body mask.  Then you are wrapped in plastic and covered with a blanket for about 20 minutes, which is the body wrap.  These products work by stimulating your circulation, drawing out impurities, and giving your body minerals it might be missing.  Afterwards, the body mask is washed off and you may get an application of lotion.

Who should get a detox body wrap:  Save this for when you really are making changes in your diet and trying to reduce your toxic load.

These clays, muds and seaweeds may be natural, but they are effective....and expensive!   Don't have a detox wrap and then go eat a T-bone and four martinis.  It will make you feel worse rather than better, and you've wasted your money.

Darling Esthetics Wraps

Hydrating body wraps use creams and gels to soften, soothe and hydrate the skin.

Usually the spa will use a super-luxurious body cream from its line. You don't want to wash it off.

Who should get a hydrating body wrap:  You're out on the ski slopes.  It's the middle of winter.  You take off your jeans and watch the white flakes fly.  It's time to exfoliate and hydrate! Or can they can also help your skin recover from too much time in the sun.

Slimming wraps

Slimming wraps are a labor-intensive specialty that aren't found everywhere.   For a slimming wrap, each limb is tightly wrapped after being covered in a high-concentration mineral solution to detox and remineralize the body.   Some spas such as Darling Esthetics will use Micro current or Radio Frequency followed with cellulite lotions.

What Happens During A Body Wrap?

A body wrap should begin with exfoliation, and a salt scrub or body polish is much superior to dry brushing.  You lie down on whatever you will eventually be wrapped in – often plastic or mylar, but sometimes towels or sheets.

Once the product is on, you’re wrapped to stay warm, usually for 20 minutes.

When the time is up, you’re unwrapped and the body mask has to come off.  You might either jump in a shower or the therapist will rinse you off with a handheld shower or hot towels that feel absolutely fabulous. Then you are dried off, and there’s usually an application of lotion to moisturize your skin.

Things To Watch Out For With a Body Wrap

* Don’t expect a body wrap to be a massage.  You esthetician may give an incredible lotion application but it is not classified as a massage.

*Look for signature treatments that include scrub and body wrap

* If you have claustrophobia, this may not be the right treatment for you.

* You might be left alone during the treatment. If that bothers you, ask before you book the service.

*If you have allergies such as selfish be careful which treatment you choose ( definitely not a seaweed wrap)

Care After a Body Treatment

Your skin may be a bit tender after a body treatment—especially if it involved a deep body scrub. However, it is perfectly fine to shower after a body treatment as long as you remember to lather your body with soap then gently rub your washcloth or loofah in circles to remove any dead skin or leftover lotion.  However, since specialty lotion is usually the finishing touch, washing soon after is not recommended.

Seaweed Wraps

Seaweed Wrap

Slippery and Stringy how does it benefit your skin. 


There is no food on the planet more abundant in minerals and trace elements than seaweed.  1 gallon of fresh micronized seaweed powder offers the equivalent of 10,000 liters of seawater in trace elements of copper, zinc, manganese, iodine and selenium.  All of these elements can and do penetrate the skin’s barrier to provide nutritional supplementation when used in body wraps and baths.  

There’s More:

You might be surprised to learn however that seaweed body wraps are far more worthy of your attention.  They play an important role in your health and quality of life that is becoming more needed today.  Many people find that a weekly or monthly Seaweed Body Wrap is the solution to problem areas and even do target areas between full body wraps.  


A Seaweed Body Wrap is aiming for skin toning, relaxation and sweating to detox.  Provided you aren't claustrophobic, this wrap can be very relaxing...
It's often done in a dim room with soothing music, blissful aromas and a warm temperature.   
The first step for a seaweed body wrap is to exfoliate the skin.  Secondly, the sea element is applied, spreading over entire body.  The body is then wrapped in heated foil, blankets, towels while the paste soaks in.  The typical wrap involves rosemary, clay, eucalyptus or other herbs. You'll feel compressed, but not suffocated, in the tight wrapping which is said to encourage you to sweat out toxins and lose excess fluid in the spaces between your cells. You may remain wrapped for 20 minutes or longer.  This is then followed with a skin toner and then moisturizers with additives to lock in the smoothness that a seaweed body wrap gives to the skin. 



A seaweed wrap helps to eliminate toxins from your body. The paste is applied to the body warm, causing you to sweat. During the sweating process, your body is eliminating impurities. These are then brought to the surface of the skin and rinsed away when the wrap is washed off.  Seaweed baths provide intensive re-mineralization using Laminaria algae rich in trace elements and iodine to stimulate metabolism and promote detoxification through hydro-lymphatic drainage.  These toxins may be byproducts of metabolism or the result of nutrition and the environment.  Ionizing minerals found in the bath powder neutralize free radicals responsible for many common afflictions and aches and pains. Our blend of essential oils works on the liver and intestines to restore purity to the body’s eco-system and promote a more youthful lifestyle.

Removes Dead Skin and Moisturizes

Dead skin prevents your body from absorbing moisture. While you sweat during a seaweed wrap, not only are toxins removed from the body, but dead skin is loosened as well. The seaweed itself is chock full of proteins, vitamins, minerals and lipids that easily soak into the skin to add moisture.

Improves Skin Elasticity and Regeneration

Over time, your skin loses the ability to stretch and return to normal. This can lead to stretch marks and wrinkles. Seaweed contains antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamin A, all of which can help to rebuild the elasticity of the skin. It also makes your skin more supple by increasing blood flow to its surface, regenerates damaged skin cells, produces collagen to firm and tone the skin, and reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Reduces Cellulite and Improves Body Contouring

Body wraps absorb excess water and compact the skin, which can improve circulation and reduce the appearance of cellulite. If you’ve recently lost weight and have excess skin, a seaweed wrap can help with body contouring. It aids in shaping the excess skin so it’s smoother and less noticeable by direct diffusion of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, if cellulite is a problem, a seaweed wrap may help reduce the undesirable marks it leaves on the skin.  Body wraps are a popular weight loss technique, which when added to a diet and exercise plan, can trim a few inches from your body. Body wraps are great ways to help reduce the appearance of cellulite, trim the stomach, buttocks and thighs and conditions and tones the skin. 

Reduce Aches & Pains:

Seaweed contains vitamins and minerals as well as iodine that is beneficial for relieving aches and pains.Seaweed detox body wrap certainly benefits to the skin. In addition, the entire process for a seaweed body wrap is an excellent way to relieve daily stress and to help the body feel new and improved.  A seaweed body wrap also helps the body to feel better and remove toxins. The best way that a seaweed wrap helps to detoxify the body is through the sweating process that helps to eliminate impurities from the body. If you have problems with aching bones, arthritis, joint pain or water retention a weekly seaweed body wrap can be beneficial to you as well.


Addresses problems associated with circulation and water retention due to hormonal imbalance and lymphatic congestion.  Congestion is at the root of many ailments such as PMS, menopause-related skin aging and heavy legs.  Transdermal penetration of calcium, magnesium and silica help drain the lymph system and relieve symptoms of PMS and bloat.

Health Benefits:

Seaweed is a virtual storehouse of vital minerals and trace elements.  Why this is relevant becomes more evident when we consider that the modern diet in America today is impoverished in terms of these vital elements. he same is true with levels of magnesium, potassium, selenium, iodine and many more elements that are vital to good health.  And this total devitalization of American produce can be a root to the epidemic spread of degenerative diseases. 

Scientific Aspect:

We can examine the case for iodine.  This element plays an important role in the regulation of the thyroid and its hormones. In fact, their studies claim that breast cancer and uterine cancer can be classified as “iodine-deficiency” diseases and that each disease can be traced to a mineral deficiency.  Iodine, itself is linked to reproductive health.

To highlight why iodine is so necessary (more than ever) is the high levels of levels of bromides found in the baking of bread.  Bromides replaced iodine in baking bread, inhibiting the assimilation of iodine in our diet.  So even if you are consuming the minimum RDA of iodine, bromides may actually be creating a deficiency in this vital element…..along with fluorides and chlorides.

How Seaweed Wraps Help...

Since our skin is a barrier, how do these molecules break through to nourish your body? 
The answer lies with two factors:

1.  Bio-compatibility: Seawater and human blood plasma are chemically and qualitatively identical.  Simply put, pure seawater mixed with three parts fresh water is the original saline solution.  The mineral composition of seawater is identical to that of the human body making it (seawater) indistinguishable from your own blood plasma and lymph.

2.  Molecular Weight: The miniscule size of minerals and vital trace elements such as copper, zinc, iodine, manganese and iron for example, make the diffusion through the skin easy.  

For these reasons, Body Wraps have been a mainstay of most resort destination spas as well as urban day spas for the past three decades.  It is a must on any spa menu.

Various Marine Algae and their benefits

The Spa Technologies offers two programs to restore vital minerals to rejuvenate aging skin and tone up bodies.  Body wraps containing various species of seaweed are nature’s best remedy for fighting cellulite and other conditions such as water retention and aging skin.  Below are some of the seaweeds used in treatments:

Lithothamnium White Algae drives in calcium to drain away trapped fluids, reduce congestion and alleviate the symptoms of PMS and bloat.

Laminaria Brown Algae is iodine rich to stimulate the metabolism of fat and contains copper, zinc and manganese to stimulate collagen synthesis.Brown algae, or kelp, is one of the most common types of seaweed which is believed to rid the body of toxins and heavy metals that cause a variety of health problem such as obesity, arthritis and high blood pressure. Rich in minerals like iodine and potassium, seaweed also believed to boost the body’s natural immune system and improve thyroid and liver function which also helps with detoxification

Fucus Brown Algae offers many of the same benefits as Laminaria algae but with a lower dose of iodine.

Porphyra Red Algae contains essential fatty acids and amino acids for their super hydrating qualities and their ability to protect cell membranes against free radical damage.

Spirulina Blue-Green Algae provide a chlorophyll rich antioxidant that also enhances the aesthetics of the body treatment.

Irish Moss Red Algae provide super moisturization when used in seaweed gel masks.  They are anti-inflammatory and excellent when used on sunburned skin.

Klamath Blue-Green Algae is the most nutrient dense food on the planet, containing glyco-proteins, vitamins, minerals, simple carbohydrates, lipids and biologically active enzymes. Due to the algae’s nutritious soft cell wall, these nutrients are readily available to the body. As the body uses only a small amount of energy to convert this superfood into fuel, consuming Klamath.

Klamath contains amino acids, nucleic acid content, chlorophyll and B-12 vitamins content, mineral content, carbohydrates, lipids, and fatty acids.

It has the nutritional balance to assist the immune system and enhance better brain and emotional functions. Additionally, it has helps your physical well-being, mental clarity, and overcoming allergies.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center states that Klamath can boost your immune system and have natural anti-viral properties, which helps suppress the growth of HIV and other viruses. Consuming Klamath algae also helps relieve fatigue and improve your tolerance of exercise.

Thea Kelp is the largest and most nutrient rich of all seaweed species. Skin care benefits of Sea Kelp offer superior hydration as well as anti-inflammatory and anti-aging benefits. Rich in vitamins and trace minerals, Sea Kelp can be applied on the skin as a firming agent, healing agent, exfoliating agent, and strengthening agent.

Sea Kelp contains essential fatty acids that don’t just suffuse your skin with moisture, but also prevents your skin from losing that moisture with continued use.

Having a lot of toxins alive inside your skin makes you look dull and lifeless. If you want that fresh and bright look, you’ve got to get rid of them! Simply let Sea Kelp sit on your skin. It will draw out any excess fluid, dead cells, and toxins that are preventing the real you from shimmering through. As an additional skin care benefit of Sea Kelp, getting rid of all those toxins will make your skin smoother.

Sea Kelp reduces the pooling of blood underneath the skin, lessening the symptoms of Rosacea which is a skin condition that causes facial inflammation, swelling, red discoloration and acne associated with Rosacea. Sea Kelp’s natural, anti-inflammatory compounds can have a positive effect on any type of acne flare-ups. Acne is the swelling of the skin pores, which trap the oil, resulting in blackheads and whiteheads, acne, and even cystic acne. The anti-inflammatory effect of Sea Kelp reduces the swelling of acne. It can also be used as a natural exfoliating agent to remove dead skin cells, which can block pores. Sea Kelp can also help protect the skin from environmental damage.

Sea Kelp and Klamath Blue-green algae are two of the main ingredients in the Seaweed Wrap available at Darling Esthetics.   Along with those are willow bark extract, aloe vera oil, Vitamin E, rosehip seed oil, lavender, and a touch of fragrance to lift the spirits. This special combination of ingredients gives a pleasant scent and excellent results.

In Conclusion, seaweed body wraps are beneficial to the skin in several ways, so whether you’d like to drop excess skin after losing weight or rid your body of toxins, seaweed will do the trick.  Many users reported that they feel better after a seaweed body wrap and have fewer aches and pains.  Seaweed has long been valued in Asian countries for its nutritional and medicinal qualities, and Western cultures have now embraced it for its health benefits, particularly its ability to cleanse or detox the body. As you can see, there are many advantages to a seaweed body wrap.  For that reason alone, seaweed extracts are used for a variety of skin conditions, including acne and rosacea. 

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